Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Firm Tours

While in Shanghai, the studio had the honor and privilege of attending three firms: SOM, ARUP, and the Architectural office of X Winston Yan a former UNL Faculty (1988-2001).


After a brief tour of the modern artist complex known as the Bridge, we were introduced to Silas Chiow, Director of the SOM Shanghai Office. Silas spoke extensively to our group about several China based projects produced by the Shanghai office such as- the Poly International Plaza and the Pearl River tower in Guangzhou, The New Beijing Poly Plaza, the Jinao Tower in Nanjing, and the Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai. Mr. Chiow also spoke extensively about the firm’s master plan project on Chongming Island, near Shanghai. This project was a sustainable development competition project judge by Cecil Steward that proposed five eco-communities on the underdeveloped island.

The visit to the firm was also very beneficial in the learning and understanding of how architecture firms work and operate in China. Unlike the United States, Architecture firms in China are only able to work on a project through design development. After this point, the project is sent to a public architectural institute to finish construction documents. Chinese building codes and housing regulations were also presented to the class. One key housing code states that all bedrooms must have direct southern exposure or be 15 degrees to the east or west of direct south. Kitchens and bathrooms must also have direct outdoor ventilation. These principles will become key in the design of our housing complexes on our site in Tianjin.

X Winston Yan_

Winston not only showed off several contest winning submissions produced by himself and his office of 18, but he also bought us some of the best dumplings we have had to date! Winston explained that most of the work done by the office is contest submissions, with the remaining work being commissioned.

One project in particular was of significance to our group. This project was the Golf Hotel in Huangshan, China. This 5 star golf and spa resort hotel would become our home for two nights upon visiting the Yellow Mountains. The hotel was elegantly designed in such a way that more buildings could easily be added to the site. Currently Winston has designed an additional 5 buildings containing condominiums and another hotel that are in the construction phase. Winston gave us a site visit upon our arrival in Huangshan.


After arriving in the ARUP office and gasping at the view from the 39th floor, we realized this tour would be more beneficial for our studio project than we could have imagined initially walking into the conference room. The focus project of our discussion was ARUP’s Eco-city designs- primarily that of Dongtan on the island of Chongming. The masterplan of the community fits within the overall masterplan of the island created by SOM.

Dongtan will not only recycle its waste, but it will produce all its energy from renewable means such as wind, solar, and bio-fuels. The city will also have agricultural plots within the city, while remaining a pedestrian friendly town.

The intricate method and precise equations with which cities such as Dongtan and other Eco-cities are developed by the team members at ARUP was also presented to our group. Through thorough computer calculations and the creation of several graphic matrices, the parameters for such a community are created. This really allowed us to begin formulating more precise measurements that can be used within our project in Tianjin to measure the success of the project not only before and during design, but after the project has been completed.
As a studio we would like to thank all of those professionals who have taken time from their day to speak with us. It has really meant so much to us and has helped immensely in our thinking and the development of our own project in Tianjin, China.

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