Thursday, October 9, 2008

Paulo's lecture of 'Nothing'

Professor Paulo presenting slide (Cognitive Process & Mental Structures)

Pingyao was our next trip within China that was recommended by Paulo, and after a rushed preparation over the weekend; Paulo had prepared an 8am lecture prior to our departure. Based on “Nothing”, an interesting topic about Chinese Culture that focuses on the negative spaces and patterns of traditional Chinese architecture and its applications to modern architecture.

After the lecture we boarded taxis set for the airport, only to discover that our 11:55 flight was canceled and we had to rush to catch an earlier flight. Thanks to the frantic driving skills of our cab drivers, we arrived at the airport with minuets to spare, ran through the airport, and within minutes were in the skies for our weekend study in the walled town of Pingyao.

Upon arrival at the airport our guide who spoke no English greeted us. She then escorted us to the bus we would have for the afternoon. We stopped at the Whang House, a large home the size of a small community containing, 80 courtyards throughout the compound. The courtyards were amazing, each different from the one before. The ancient structures gave a glimpse as to how life must have been in feudal-China.

After a fast lunch of unusual and interesting dishes at a Chinese truck stop, similar to a typical high school cafeteria with mounds of food and lunch trays, our guide motioned that we where on the last leg of the journey to Pingyao.

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